
There are currently three main areas of artistic output that chromedecay is involved in:

1: chromedecay operates in part as a traditional record label, releasing CDs packaged in unique and appealing ways. Package designs to date have included slimline CD jewel cases, hand-stamping, and gatefold clear vinyl sleeves. You can find these items for purchase in the releases section.

2: chromedecay digital is the netlabel-style sublabel of chromedecay that releases music for free as downloadable MP3s. The releases on chromedecay digital include live recordings, unreleased material, and unique recordings produced especially for digital release.

3: Finally, chromedecay also serves as the banner under which various multimedia works, including photographs and video art, are produced. A primary way of distributing this artwork is the chromedecay Flickr photo site. There are also the chromedecay Vimeo and YouTube channels, which archives video of live performances and new video art.

bill van loo chromedecay is a small project-based label run by me, Bill Van Loo, with much help and assistance from several friends. I’m responsible for all the day-to-day operations, and decisions both big (what do I release?) and small (which CD mailers do I buy from Staples?). I use chromedecay to release my music and artwork, and to serve as a vehicle for releasing work by friends of mine.
j. schnable Joshua (J.) Schnable also wears many hats (including a proud Detroit script D, as seen at left). J operates as a recording artist, graphic designer (creating both the chromedecay logo and the cover art for “live @ leopold bros”, among others), engineer, and general helpful friend. J. Schnable is currently preparing his first solo release on chromedecay digital.
Rob Theakston Rob Theakston serves as the chromedecay consigliere, bringing his wide experience in the music industry and strong opinions to bear in the effort to help me get good music and art released. Rob’s worked for industry heavies Ghostly International and Planet E, so his help is much appreciated – love you, Rob! I’m also working on finally getting some of Rob’s music released on chromedecay some day soon.