bill van loo – ypsilanti by night

bill van loo - ypsilanti by night cover image
  1. ypsilanti by night
  2. no matter (featuring Rebecca Anderson of Double Helix)
  3. efficient movement
  4. a detroit sound
  5. ann arbor trains

total running time: 23:35

Buy via CDBaby’s digital download service

about this record

This record is dub-techno that spurns the cliches in favor of deeply rooted bass and sparkling rhythms that decay away as the night wears on.

Featured on the track “No Matter” are the stunning vocals of longtime chromedecay friend Rebecca Anderson (of Double Helix, who have released on Transmat, Rush Hour, and other well-known labels).

where to buy

Purchase this record via CDBaby’s digital download service as individual tracks or the full release. iTunes, Rhapsody, and other digital download services also stock this release.