29/52: physical materials

This week, I attended the ASM Materials Science for Teachers workshop, and produced a few interesting little pieces of physical artwork. That’s unusual for me, but it was a nice change of pace.

The main piece I worked on was an aluminum casting of the chromedecay logo. In order to make this piece, I first traced the chromedecay logo onto a piece of paper, then carefully cut that out and traced it onto a piece of XPS foam (the kind of thing used to insulate houses).

chromedecay stencil & foam cast

After that was ready, it was off to Joyworks, an art studio and metal foundry.

joyworks art studio/metal foundry

John Keough, CEO of Applied Process and owner of the Joyworks studio, graciously hosted our workshop’s members, and guided us through the process of turning our foam pieces into cast aluminum, using a lost foam casting process.

joyworks art studio/metal foundry

joyworks art studio/metal foundry

In the end, I wasn’t entirely happy with how my piece turned out, and I still have some work to do with a drill press in order to clean it up, but it was a fun change of pace from my usual music and photography artistic endeavours.