bill van loo – life in an age of madness

This set of music was primarily written between January and April of 2017, after the tremendous crash and burn of American national politics caused by the 2016 election. Most nights I would retreat to the studio, whether for catharsis, or escape, or some equal mixture of both. I found solace in making music.

For a variety of largely uninteresting reasons, this material remained unreleased until now. I had hoped that some of the issues that arose during its genesis might have been resolved in some way by now, but it seems we are still living life in an age of madness at the time of this writing.

My sincere hope is that you may also find catharsis, escape, and solace through this music, and that in experiencing it, find strength to persist through these maddening times.

All profit from this release will be donated to the following non-profit organizations working to help others. Many thanks for your purchase, which allows them to continue doing the vital work they do. – The Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and Legal Services (RAICES) is a 501(c)(3) charity that provides free and low-cost legal services to under-served immigrant children, families and refugees. – A movement of Americans working together to end gun violence and build safer communities – Funding teacher-created projects for schools in low-income areas.

Bill Van Loo
June 18, 2018 
