40/52: chromedecay wallpapers

This week’s project is a set of downloadable wallpaper, sized for desktop computers, iPad, and iPhone. All feature photography by Bill Van Loo, with post-processing and formatting by fellow chromedecay artist Joshua Schnable.

Download the entire set of wallpapers here:
https://www.chromedecay.org/downloads/40-52-chromedecay_wallpapers.zip (27MB ZIP file)

A few months ago, Joshua Schnable hipped me to fiftyfootshadows, a site featuring beautiful atmospheric photography offered as downloadable wallpaper. I’ve been enjoying the wallpapers for a while, and was inspired to create some of my own for chromedecay. I shot most of these images on Tuesday and Wednesday of this week.

40/52: chromedecay wallpaper - fence (desktop)

Shooting photos for this project really made me think about what makes a good background image – it has to be visually appealing, but ultimately can’t have too much detail or activity or else the icons get lost against it. I decided on heavily textured, dark images for most of the set.

This was one of the first shots I took on Tuesday evening that I felt really captured what I was going for:

40/52: chromedecay wallpaper - brush (desktop)

This is another shot from Tuesday:

40/52: chromedecay wallpaper - pavement (desktop)

The photo below was actually the last photo I shot on Wednesday evening. It’s the wall of a gas station around the corner of my house. I love the stark simplicity of it – the light above the air compressor acts as a spotlight for it, and I smile every time I see it.

40/52: chromedecay wallpaper - air (desktop)

Finally, this last image came from photos I shot this summer (part of 27/52, “vacation colors“).

40/52: chromedecay wallpaper - paint (desktop)

Many thanks to Joshua Schnable for taking my photographs and post-processing, editing and formatting them for the different wallpaper sizes!

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